Education Qualification For Politicians

Education Qualification For Politicians

8:29 AM
Education Qualification For Politicians: Since, we are living in a technological world where daily new developments, innovations are taking place, and to understand its modern technique through scientists and inventors, education plays a key role. And at least to understand this in an appropriate manner a politician must be educated to express his country's developments in other countries. Having educational qualifications should not...


Global Positioning System

Global Positioning System

1:35 AM
Global Positioning System: Global Positioning System We have all been lost before, and have had trouble finding our way to where we want to get to. Now technology is helping us find our way. This technology is called Global Positioning System (GPS). Global Positioning System technology has been used by the military for about ten years now, and is just starting to be...


Role Of Women in Society

Role Of Women in Society

12:50 AM
Role Of Women in Society: Women are the inherent part of our society. They have many jobs and duties in this modern society where men are still the strongest gender but we should never neglect them to their less power and authority. They are created as a companion for men and men have to make her walk with them in course of life....