Sunday, August 31, 2014

Child Labour

   Jam Session Topic Child Labour   

   Childrens under 14 years working as a labour are considered as Child labour. Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislations across the world prohibit child labour.These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, some forms of child work common among indigenous American children, and others. Almost every country in the world has laws relating to and aimed at preventing child labour. International Labour Organisation has helped set international law, which most countries have signed on and ratified.


  1. Child labor means that children are forced to work like adults and take part in an economic activity. According to the ILO International Labor Organization this is applied to people up to age fifteen, or seventeen in case of dangerous work. Even though only about a fourth of the ILO members have ratified the respective convention, this age limit is generally accepted.

    1. Fab bro....eveb i got this lines and years when i read the above topic👍

  2. children are born to enjoy and study..not to work under the age of 17..

  3. child labour should be abolished because children are the future of our country

    1. No sir youth are the future of the hard

    2. Todays children is tomorrows youth

  4. Todays world children are just going mad and adopted to liquor and cigratte at first we have to abolish that consumptions. And because of this children are sending out by their parents because of this habit.anx beacuse of that children r working in the fields and at first please requested u all the people stop consumptions of this that children will have the bright future.
    As we know todays children are tomorrows citizen.

  5. Whoever has wriwrit this must knok that the first word of your description is wrong. There is no such plural form as "childrens". Children itself is a plural word.

  6. Child labor is one of the big issue in any corner of world.At the young they are deprive of their education as well as freedom of peace.So every gov takes very strict laws to avoid childlabour

  7. Child labour is the full work taken by the children in any field of work. It is a forceful act either by the parents, bad events or owners. Childhood is the birth rights of everyone which he/she must live under the love and care of their parents however this illegal act of child labour forces a child to live life like elder. It causes lack of many important things in the life of child like improper physical growth and development, inappropriate development of the mind, socially and intellectually unhealthy.

    Child labour keeps a child away from all the benefits of the childhood, a happiest and memorable period of the life of everyone. It interferes with the ability of attending regular school which makes them socially dangerous and harmful citizen of the country. This illegal activity of the child labour is increasing day by day even after lots of the rules and regulations against this by the government to completely prohibit the act of child labour.
